Why is Russia invading Ukraine

Russia has maintained deep animosity for Independent Ukraine, which it still views as an essential component of "Mother Russia," even after the fall of the Soviet Union. In order to restore its so-called "Historical Russia," it consequently views the conquering of Ukraine as being essential.

Why is russia invading ukraine

Vladimir Putin, the president of Russia, has made no attempt to disseminate the false historical narrative that Russians and Ukrainians are "one country." Putin earnestly desires the reunification of the former Soviet Union's member states in order to undo the "biggest geopolitical calamity of the twentieth century," in his words. His ultimate goal is to "correct the wrongs" of the Soviet Union's defeat during the Cold War, as he sees them, which occurred thirty years ago. He wants to reconstruct the entire European security system, which will cost the West a lot of money. The Russian military is supposedly required to read his most recent writings and lectures on the issue.

What does Russia want from Ukraine

Ukraine has permanently chosen an entirely different course since claiming independence in 1991—a path of democratic progress, reform, and European integration. The Kremlin, on the other hand, has made the decision to follow the path of conservation and unfounded hope to recover its empire.

The speed of change has varied from Post-Soviet country to Post-Soviet country after the dissolution of the Soviet Union. Some, like Belarus, have moved more slowly while clinging to their Soviet past, while others have advanced as rapidly and as far as they could. Early in the 1990s, the Baltic republics and the former Warsaw Pact nations began to take measures towards joining NATO and the EU. By 2004, they had finished the process, just as Russian imperialism was beginning to reappear. Unfortunately, Georgia and Ukraine had not yet reached the end of that route. Both were left outside the Euroatlantic community, and both later became targets of military aggression by Russia, at the cost of lives and territory.

Why is russia invading ukraine

It appears that Putin cannot understand or tolerate the fundamental principles of Ukrainian society, including its love of freedom, democracy, free thought, and European values, and so he instead seeks to destroy them.

As a result, Russia's sole option for persuading independent governments to join its neo-imperial goal of the "Russian world" is through armed aggression and blatant violations of all international rules and standards.

Putin makes numerous absurd attempts to portray Russia as the "victim defending itself from a 'aggressive' West," NATO expansion, or "radical Nazis killing Russian speaking citizens" in order to hide his own aggressive ambitions. These attempts are nonsensical and serve as a tool of reflective control.

Why is russia invading ukraine

In the end, the response to the query is straightforward: a nation that forbids any form of manifestation of freedom will never comprehend, live beside, or be close to a nation that epitomises freedom.