What are the 5 generations of computer?

Typically, the evolution of computer systems is viewed as occurring over several generations.

Computer technology advanced together with the passing of many generations.

Computer Generations

Now let's talk about how computer technology has changed over the years and across generations.

Generation of computer 1st to 5th

 1st Generation

first generation of computer was based on which technology

Generations of Computer|How many generations of computers?|What Are The Five Generations Of Computers? [1st To 5th]

first generation of computer
  • The First Generation of Computer is generally regarded as the time between 1940 and 1956.
  • Vacuum tube or thermionic valve machines were used in the development of the first generation of computers.
  • This system's input relied on punched cards and paper tape, but the output was shown on printouts.
  • The binary-coded notion was used by the initial generation of computers (i.e., language of 0-1). ENIAC, EDVAC, and other instances.

 2nd Generation

Second generation of computer

Generations of Computer|How many generations of computers?|What Are The Five Generations Of Computers? [1st To 5th]

  • The Second Generation of Computers is generally seen as existing from 1956 to 1963.
  • Computers of the second generation were created using transistor technology.
  • The size of the second generation was smaller than that of the first.
  • The second generation of computers required less time to process information than the first generation did.

 3rd Generation

Third generation of computer

Generations of Computer|How many generations of computers?|What Are The Five Generations Of Computers? [1st To 5th]

  • The Third Generation of computers is generally seen as existing from 1963 to 1971.
  • Utilizing integrated circuit (IC) technology, third generation computers were created.
  • The size of computers in the third generation was smaller than that of computers in the second generation.
  • The computation time required by computers of the third generation was smaller than that of computers of the second generation.
  • The third generation of computers was cooler and used less electricity.
  • The third generation of computers also had reduced maintenance costs.
  • The third generation's computer system made it simpler to use it for business purposes.

 4th Generation

Fourth generation of computer

Generations of Computer|How many generations of computers?|What Are The Five Generations Of Computers? [1st To 5th]

  • The generation of computers from roughly 1972 to 2010 is referred to as the fourth generation.
  • Computers of the fourth generation were created using microprocessor technology.
  • The fourth generation of computers reduced in size, making them portable.
  • The fourth-generation machine initially produced relatively little heat.
  • Both speed and precision have increased in dependability.
  • In comparison to the previous generation, the production cost dropped to an extremely low level.
  • It was made accessible to regular folks as well.

 5th Generation

Fifth generation of computer

Generations of Computer|How many generations of computers?|What Are The Five Generations Of Computers? [1st To 5th]

  • The time span from 2010 to the present and beyond is often regarded as the fifth generation of computing time.
  • The fifth generation of technology incorporated software at a period when the computer generation was being defined solely on the basis of hardware.
  • The fifth generation of computers has lots of memory and excellent capabilities.
  • This generation's computers were quick to use and capable of handling numerous tasks at once.
  • Artificial intelligence, quantum computation, nanotechnology, parallel processing, and other cutting-edge technologies are some of the fifth generation's most widely used sophisticated technologies.